EX11 Frequently Asked Questions

EX11-001 SR "Honoka Kousaka"

EX11-002 SR "Eli Ayase"

What are "Base Live Points"?
It refers to the large number in the top right of the Song card. If there are Bonus Live Points on a card, like LL03-075 M "MOMENT RING", it only refers to the number on the left. (That means that LL03-075 M "MOMENT RING" does not meet the requirement.)
When I ⟪ENTER⟫ed this card, there weren't any Song cards in my Set List with 4 or more Base Live Points. Can I still draw the additional card?
Yes. In that case, you can still draw a card.

EX11-003 SR "Kotori Minami"

If I used this card's Skill when I ⟪ENTER⟫ed it, can I also use it after performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this card?
Yes. You can use it both times, after ⟪ENTER⟫ing and after performing a ⟪LIVE⟫.
If there is a face-up Song card with multiple names in my Set List, for example LL01-067 M "Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki" / "Datte Datte Aa Mujou", can I ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member who has the "Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki" Live Costume?
Yes. If a face-up Song card has multiple names, the requirement is met if the Live Costume has the same name as either song name.
After performing a ⟪LIVE⟫, can I ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member who has a Live Costume with the same name as the Song card used for that ⟪LIVE⟫?
No. When a ⟪LIVE⟫ is performed, the Song card is placed on the Stage and is not part of the Set List anymore, but the Skill requires the Song card to be in your Set List.
(If you have a second Song card with the same name as the one used for the ⟪LIVE⟫, and it's face-up in your Set List, you can still ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member who has a Live Costume with that name.)

EX11-004 SR "Umi Sonoda"

If I used LL01-058 HR "Umi Sonoda"'s Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ this card after it was revealed to everyone, can I use this card's [Entry] Skill?
Yes. The requirement is met. Even if the card is revealed, it is still in your Hand.
Does [RUSH] count as an [Entry] Skill?
No. It is not a Skill. Only lines with the [Entry] icon are [Entry] Skills.

EX11-005 SR "Rin Hoshizora"

What does "If there are exactly three differently named Members on your Stage" mean?
Count how many different names the Member cards on your Stage have.
For example, if you have Member cards named "Rin Hoshizora", "Rin Hoshizora", "Hanayo Koizumi", "Hanayo Koizumi" and "Nico Yazawa" on your Stage, you have three differently named Members on your Stage - "Rin Hoshizora", "Hanayo Koizumi" and "Nico Yazawa". Since that's three different names, the Skill's requirement is met.

EX11-006 SR "Maki Nishikino"

EX11-007 SR "Nozomi Tojo"

Is this Skill's requirement met if this card joins a ⟪LIVE⟫ with a Song card with "µ's" in its name, such as LL01-075 M "µ's Best Album Best Live! Collection II"?
No. "µ's" must be included in the card's Skill text (the text at the bottom of the card), so the requirement is not met.

EX11-008 SR "Hanayo Koizumi"

What does "If there are exactly three differently named Members joining this ⟪LIVE⟫" mean?
Count how many different names the Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ have.
For example, if you have Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ named "Rin Hoshizora", "Rin Hoshizora", "Hanayo Koizumi", "Hanayo Koizumi" and "Nico Yazawa", you have three differently named Members joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ - "Rin Hoshizora", "Hanayo Koizumi" and "Nico Yazawa". Since that's three different names, the Skill's requirement is met.

EX11-009 SR "Nico Yazawa"

What does "If there are exactly three differently named Members on your Stage" mean?
Count how many different names the Member cards on your Stage have.
For example, if you have Member cards named "Rin Hoshizora", "Rin Hoshizora", "Hanayo Koizumi", "Hanayo Koizumi" and "Nico Yazawa" on your Stage, you have three differently named Members on your Stage - "Rin Hoshizora", "Hanayo Koizumi" and "Nico Yazawa". Since that's three different names, the Skill's requirement is met.

EX11-010 SR "Honoka Kousaka" to EX11-018 SR "Nico Yazawa"

I'm the first player in turn order, and at the start of the match, I used LL07-064 SP "Chika Takami"'s [Starter] Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ a card. If I ⟪ENTER⟫ EX11-010 SR "Honoka Kousaka" on my first turn, can I draw two cards using the [Entry] Skill?
No. [Starter] Skills are counted as part of match preparation, before any turns are played, so once your first turn starts, there have been no Members who ⟪ENTER⟫ed that turn.

EX11-019 SR "Honoka Kousaka" to EX11-027 SR "Nico Yazawa"

EX11-028 HR "Honoka Kousaka"

If the flipped Member card has a [Live Join] Skill that allows it to gain [SMILE] , can that Piece be counted?
No. Pieces gained through [Live Join] Skills cannot be counted. If the card has a normal [SMILE] shown in the top left, the card will be ⟪ENTER⟫ed, otherwise, it will be added to your Hand.
If the flipped Member card has an active Birthday Bonus and it's [SMILE] , can that Piece be counted?
Yes. If the requirement for the Birthday Bonus is met, the Pieces can be counted and if the Bonus Piece is [SMILE] , the card will be ⟪ENTER⟫ed.

EX11-029 HR "Eli Ayase"

This Member has [COOL] [COOL] , and I have used three Song cards for Lives. What Pieces will the Member have in this case?
The Member will have [ALL] [ALL] . (Even if you have more Song cards than [COOL] , you can't treat [COOL] Pieces that don't exist as [ALL] .)

EX11-030 HR "Kotori Minami"

A player used this Member's Skill. If they have no cards in their Hand, can I still grant the "⟪ENTER⟫ one Member from your Hand" request?
Yes. No matter how many cards the player has on their Hand, you can choose either request. (For the same reason, you can also grant the "draw three cards" request if they have less than three cards in their Deck.)

EX11-031 HR "Umi Sonoda"

How are Song cards with Attribute requirements counted for "highest requirement"?
Sum up the number of all Pieces required to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫. For example, EX11-047 M "Angelic Angel" (4x [SMILE] , 3x [PURE] , 3x [COOL] ) will be counted as 4 + 3 + 3 = 10.
If there are multiple cards with the same highest amount of Pieces needed, does performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with any of them meet this Skill's requirement?
Yes. If no other Song card has a higher amount of Pieces needed to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫, the Skill's requirement is met.

EX11-032 HR "Rin Hoshizora"

If I return a Member with Stars to my Hand, can I ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member without Stars?
Yes. Members with Stars and Members without Stars count as having a different amount of Stars. Similarly, you can ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member with Stars after returning a Member without Stars to your Hand.

EX11-033 HR "Maki Nishikino"

If the face-up Song cards in my Set List have four different Attributes, do I draw two cards?
Yes. If there are four Attributes, you both draw two cards and take another turn.

EX11-035 HR "Hanayo Koizumi"

EX11-036 HR "Nico Yazawa"

EX11-037 M "Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIVE"

EX11-038 M "Mermaid festa vol.2 ~Passionate~"

What if Members other than "Honoka" and "Rin" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Honoka" card and a "Rin" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.
If the Skill's requirement is met and I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫, can I choose not to ⟪SCOUT⟫?
No. If the requirement of the Skill is met, you must always ⟪SCOUT⟫.

EX11-039 M "Otome Shiki Renai Juku"

What if Members other than "Nozomi" and "Nico" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Nozomi" card and a "Nico" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.
If the Skill's requirement is met and I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫, can I choose not to add the bottom card of my Deck to my Hand?
No. If the requirement of the Skill is met, you must always add the bottom card of your Deck to your Hand.

EX11-040 M "Kokuhaku Biyori, desu!"

What if Members other than "Kotori" and "Hanayo" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Kotori" card and a "Hanayo" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.

EX11-041 M "soldier game"

What if Members other than "Eli", "Umi" and "Maki" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Eli" card, a "Umi" card and a "Maki" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.
What exactly does the [While Live] Skill of this card do?
After this ⟪LIVE⟫ is performed, for every Song card in your Set List that is flipped face-up because of performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ or as the result of a Skill, flip an additional Song card face-up.
(This includes the Song card you flip face-up after performing the ⟪LIVE⟫ with this card.)
What happens if I use a Skill that allows me to flip multiple Song cards face-up at once, such as the [Live Success] Skill of LL03-066 M "Bokura wa Ima no Naka de" / "WILD STARS", while "soldier game" is live its the Skill's requirement is met?
If you flip multiple Song cards face-up at the same time, you still flip one additional Song card face-up for each flipped card. (For example, if you flip three Song cards face-up at once, you flip three more Song cards face-up.)

EX11-042 M "Listen to my heart!!"

What if Members other than "Nico", "Rin" and "Hanayo" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Nico" card, a "Rin" card and a "Hanayo" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.
If the "Nico" cards, "Rin" cards and "Hanayo" cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ don't have Live Costumes, is the Skill's requirement met even if there are other Members with Live Costumes joining this ⟪LIVE⟫?
No. No Members joining the ⟪LIVE⟫ may have Live Costumes. If any Member joining has a Live Costume, the Skill's requirement is not met.

EX11-043 M "Binetsu kara Mystery"

After performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with "Binetsu kara Mystery" with the Skill's requirement met, I performed another ⟪LIVE⟫ with all three Members of "lily white". Do I gain another Live Point?
Yes. If the Skill's requirement is met, you will gain Live Points even from ⟪LIVE⟫s performed after "Binetsu kara Mystery" was.
What if Members other than those of "lily white" join the ⟪LIVE⟫? And if another Member joins a ⟪LIVE⟫ along with "Umi", "Rin" and "Nozomi" cards, will I gain Live Points?
As long as there is a "Umi" card, a "Rin" card and a "Nozomi" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join. Similarly, as longs as there is at least a "Umi" card, a "Rin" card and a "Nozomi" card joining a ⟪LIVE⟫ with another Song card, you will gain a Live Point.

EX11-044 M "Cutie Panther"

What if Members other than those of "BiBi" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Eli" card, a "Maki" card and a "Nico" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.

EX11-045 M "Pure girls project"

What if Members other than those of "Printemps" join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
As long as there is a "Hanayo" card, a "Kotori" card and a "Hanayo" card joining, the Skill's requirement is met, regardless of what other Members join.
While this Song card is live and its Skill's requirement is met, LL08-050 HR "You Watanabe" joined a ⟪LIVE⟫ with a Member of "Printemps" who did not originally have [PURE] . In this situation, can the "Printemps" Member gain +[PURE] through the Skill of the "You" card?
Yes. The Member will gain +[PURE] from this card's Skill before the [Live Join] Skill is resolved. Thus, you can gain +[PURE] again by using the Skill of the "You" card.

EX11-046 M "Paradise Live"

I used a "Take another turn" Skill. If I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card on my second turn, will "µ's" Members I ⟪ENTER⟫ed on my first turn count for the "have been on your Stage before this turn" requirement?
Yes. Since you have taken another turn, any Members who ⟪ENTER⟫ed before the extra turn meet this Skill's requirement.

EX11-047 M "Angelic Angel"

Do [ALL] gained through [Live Join] Skills count for this card's [Live Success] Skill?
Yes. [ALL] gained through Skills or by treating other Pieces as [ALL] count.


EX11-049 M "Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari"

EX11-050 M "Arashi no Naka no Koi dakara"

The Members joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ have 3x [SMILE] and 1x [ALL] in total. Will the Any Piece requirement be reduced?
No. The Skill of this Song card requires one Attribute, [SMILE] [PURE] [COOL] or [ALL] , to have four or more Pieces. You cannot use [ALL] as a wildcard for another Attribute.

EX11-051 M "Sayounara e Sayonara!"

EX11-052 SP "Honoka Kousaka" to EX11-069 SEC "Nico Yazawa"

I'm using this Member's Skill while having no cards in my Hand. Can I still draw four cards?
Yes. You can draw four cards even if you have no cards in your Hand.