LL10 Frequently Asked Questions

LL10-046 HR "Chika Takami"

If I have no face-down cards in my Set List, can I still choose the "flip one face-down Song card in your Set List face-up" effect?
Yes. In that case, the Skill would be resolved without anything happening.
Similarly, you can choose to draw two cards even if you have no cards or only one card in your Deck, or choose to ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member without Stars and with a Live Costume from your Hand, even if you have no matching Member on your Hand.

LL10-047 HR "Riko Sakurauchi"

Can I pick a Song card with the same name as a Song card in my Set List or a Song card used for a ⟪LIVE⟫ from my Collection?
Yes. You can pick Song cards with the same name, no matter whether their ID matches with one of the Song cards in play or not.

LL10-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura"

Which cards have Skills that require "counting "Members currently in your Lives""?
You can use the Search function on this site to find all cards affected by this Skill.
I'm performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this card and LL08-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura". When counting "Members currently in your Lives" while resolving LL08-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura"'s [Live Success] Skill, does this card's Skill double the amount?
Yes. The [While Live] Skill is already active when resolving the [Live Success] Skill, so the amount is doubled.
If there are two or more of this card in Lives, do you double the counted amounts of "Members currently in your Lives" for each card?
Yes. If there are two LL10-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura" currently in Lives, the amount will be quadrupled, and if there are three LL10-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura" currently in Lives, it will be multiplied by eight.

LL10-049 HR "Dia Kurosawa"

Does this card's Skill count the card itself as a "3rd Year" card with Stars?
Yes. If three or more "3rd Year" cards with Stars, including LL10-049 HR "Dia Kurosawa" itself, join this ⟪LIVE⟫, it will gain +[ALL] .

LL10-050 HR "You Watanabe"

What exactly does the [Entry] Skill do?
You may ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member with a Live Costume and without Stars from your Hand if there is at least one card with the same Live Costume on your Stage.
For example, if you have cards with the Live Costumes "Aozora Jumping Heart", "Aozora Jumping Heart", "Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai?", "Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai?" and "Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM" on your Stage, you may ⟪ENTER⟫ up to one Member with the "Aozora Jumping Heart" Live Costume and without Stars, one Member with the "Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai?" Live Costume and without Stars, and one Member with the "Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM" Live Costume and without Stars from your Hand.

LL10-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

LL10-052 HR "Hanamaru Kunikida"

If the requirement of the Song card used in this ⟪LIVE⟫ was reduced by a Skill, does this Skill count the original or the reduced requirement? Additionally, if Members joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ gained Pieces from Skills, does this Skill count or ignore these additional Pieces?
If the ⟪LIVE⟫ is performed with a Song card with a reduced requirement, that changed requirement is counted. Similarly, any Pieces the joining Members gained from Skills are also counted in the total number of Pieces.

LL10-053 HR "Mari Ohara"

This Member performs a ⟪LIVE⟫ with a Member without [ALL] . If the other Member gains +[ALL] from a Skill, does that additional Piece fulfil the "If there is another Member with [ALL] who joined this ⟪LIVE⟫" requirement?
Yes. If another Member gains +[ALL] from a Skill, or a Skill allows you to treat another Piece as [ALL] , the Skill's requirement is met.

LL10-054 HR "Ruby Kurosawa"

Can I pick two "1st Year" Members with the same name to add to my Hand?
Yes. As long as both cards are "1st Year" Members, you can add any card, no matter what their names are.
If the cards shown from the Deck contain two or more "1st Year" Members, do I have to pick two cards to add to my Hand?
No. You can pick up to two cards, so you can add two Members, just one Member or no Members at all to your Hand.

LL10-059 SSR "Sarah Kazuno"

LL10-060 SSR "Leah Kazuno"

When exactly is the "If everyone of "Saint Aqours Snow" is on your Stage" requirement met?
You must have at least one card of each of these Members on your Stage: "Chika", "Riko", "Kanan", "Dia", "You", "Yoshiko", "Hanamaru", "Mari", "Ruby", "Sarah" and "Leah".

LL10-061 M "Awaken the power"


Can the requirement be met if Members other than the ones mentioned in the Skill join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
Yes. As long as there is a "Sarah" card with [COOL] and a "Leah" card with [COOL] joining, the Any Piece requirement is reduced by 2, regardless of what other Members join.

LL10-063 M "DROPOUT!?"

I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card with two Members joining, who originally had three Pieces in total, but gained a fourth Piece from a [Live Join] Skill. Does this meet the "they must have four or more Pieces in total" requirement?
Yes. The Pieces gained from [Live Join] Skills remain for the rest of the match, so the Pieces will still be counted in the [While Live] Skill of this card and you will not lose a Live Point.

LL10-064 M "One More Sunshine Story"

LL10-065 M "Oyasuminasan!"

LL10-066 M "in this unstable world"

LL10-067 M "Pianoforte Monologue"

When performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card, is it included when counting face-up Song cards in your Set List?
Yes. This card is counted, too.

LL10-068 M "Beginner's Sailing"



LL10-071 M "New winding road"

LL10-072 M "Sakana ka nanda ka?"

LL10-073 SP "Chika Takami" to LL10-090 SEC "Ruby Kurosawa"