LL11 Frequently Asked Questions

LL11-039 SR "Chika Takami" to LL11-047 SR "Ruby Kurosawa"

LL11-043 SR "You Watanabe"

LL11-044 SR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

LL11-046 SR "Mari Ohara"

Does "Member with one Star" also include Members with two or more Stars?
No. "Member with one Star" refers to a Member card with exactly one Star.

LL11-050 HR "Chika Takami"

Between [LIVE] and the [Entry] Skill, which one should be used first?
Use all [Entry] Skills first, only then you may use [LIVE] to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫. You cannot use [LIVE] before that.

LL11-051 HR "Riko Sakurauchi"

When resolving the [Auto] Pair Skill, can I use the [Entry] Skill of the LL11-055 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" card that is part of this pair to draw two cards?
Yes. It counts as a "Yoshiko" card on your Stage, so you can use its [Entry] Skill.
When using the [Entry] Skill of LL05-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" when resolving the [Auto] Pair Skill, which cards can be counted as "Members on Stand-By"?
Any Members other than this card. (This includes both the LL05-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" card whose Skill is being used, and the paired LL11-055 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" card.)

LL11-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura"

Between [LIVE] and the [Entry] Skill, which one should be used first?
Use all [Entry] Skills first, only then you may use [LIVE] to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫. You cannot use [LIVE] before that.
When performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL05-063 M "MIRAI TICKET" while paired with LL11-057 HR "Mari Ohara", two [Live Success] Skills will activate that say "take another turn". In that case, can I take two extra turns?
Yes. Take as many extra turns as "take another turn" Skills you have activated.

LL11-053 HR "Dia Kurosawa"

LL11-054 HR "You Watanabe"

If the Member I told "I love you" has no Stars, can I still draw two cards?
Yes. Members without Stars count as Members with two or less Stars.

LL11-055 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

When resolving the [Auto] Pair Skill, can I use the [Entry] Skill of this card to draw two cards?
Yes. It counts as a "Yoshiko" card on your Stage, so you can use its [Entry] Skill.
When using the [Entry] Skill of LL05-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" when resolving the [Auto] Pair Skill, which cards can be counted as "Members on Stand-By"?
Any Members other than the LL11-051 HR "Riko Sakurauchi" card that is part of this pair. (This includes both the LL05-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" card whose Skill is being used, and this card.)

LL11-056 HR "Hanamaru Kunikida"

Does "Member with a "Birthday Bonus"" include only Members whose Birthday Bonus is active?
No. All Members with a Birthday Bonus are included, no matter whether it is active or not.
If a Member with an already active Birthday Bonus joins this ⟪LIVE⟫, do they gain another Birthday Bonus Piece?
No. Skills that activate the Birthday Bonus on cards where it is already active will not add more Pieces.

LL11-057 HR "Mari Ohara"

Between [RUSH] and the [Entry] Skill, which one should be used first?
Use all [Entry] Skills first, only then you may use [RUSH] to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫. You cannot use [RUSH] before that.
When performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL05-063 M "MIRAI TICKET" while paired with LL11-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura", two [Live Success] Skills will activate that say "take another turn". In that case, can I take two extra turns?
Yes. Take as many extra turns as "take another turn" Skills you have activated.

LL11-058 HR "Ruby Kurosawa"

LL11-059 HR "Sarah Kazuno"

LL11-060 HR "Leah Kazuno"

When ⟪ENTER⟫ing "up to two differently named Members without Stars" with the [Entry] Skill, can I also ⟪ENTER⟫ just one Member?
Yes. You can ⟪ENTER⟫ just one or even no Members.

LL11-061 M "Mirai no Bokura wa Shitteru yo"

LL11-062 M "Yuuki wa Doko ni? Kimi no Mune ni!"

LL11-063 M "MY Mai☆TONIGHT"

A pair with LL11-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura" and LL11-057 HR "Mari Ohara" are joining a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this card. Between the "take another turn" from their [Live Success] Pair Skill and the "you may perform a ⟪LIVE⟫" from this card's [Live Success] Skill, which comes first?
Perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ in this turn first, then you can take the extra turn after this turn is over. (This applies regardless of the order in which you resolved the [Live Success] Skills.)

LL11-065 M "Awaken the power"

The Skill text for this card says "Saint Aqours Snow", but if LL05-049 HR "Dia Kurosawa" joins this ⟪LIVE⟫, does she still gain +[ALL] from her [Live Join] Skill?
Yes. "Saint Aqours Snow" includes the word "Aqours", so the Skill's requirement is met.



If a Song card has two or more Skills, can I use both?
Yes. You can use both Skills.

LL11-068 ME "#1 Next Step"

What does this Memory do if it has no Skills?
The Skills of cards such as LL11-039 SR "Chika Takami" or LL11-067 M "WONDERFUL STORIES" refer to this card being on your Stage.

LL11-069 ME "#4 Don't Call Me Dia-san"

What exactly does the [Auto] Skill do?
When using the Skills of certain cards, the other players get a chance to call Dia "Dia-chan". If all other players do so, the requirement is met.
For example, if LL08-049 HR "Dia Kurosawa"'s Skill is resolved and all other players call Dia "Dia-chan", you may ⟪ENTER⟫ one Member without Stars from your Hand, and then draw two cards. If even one of the other players does not call Dia "Dia-chan", the top card of your Deck is ⟪ENTER⟫ed and no cards are drawn.

LL11-070 ME "#6 Aqours WAVE"

In what order should this card's [Auto] Skill and the [Live Success] Skills of the Song card and Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ be resolved?
You can resolve them in any order of your choice. If there is more than one [Live Success] Skill, you can even resolve the [Auto] Skill in-between them, like [Live Success] [Auto] [Live Success] .

LL11-071 ME "#9 Awaken the power"

In what order should this card's [Auto] Skill and the [Live Success] Skills of the Song card and Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ be resolved?
You can resolve them in any order of your choice.
I used this card's Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ enough Members to meet the requirement of LL11-065 M "Awaken the power". Will I gain ♪Live Points +9♪?
Yes. If the Skill's requirement is met, you will gain the extra Live Points.
With this Memory card on Stage, I want to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with "Awaken the Power", and both "Ruby" and "Leah" joining it. Can I use this card's [Auto] Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ Members and add their Pieces to the Pieces the joining Members have?
No. The [Auto] Skill only allows you to ⟪ENTER⟫ Members and have them join the performed ⟪LIVE⟫. Since the [Auto] Skill will only trigger after a ⟪LIVE⟫ was successfully performed, you must have Members on Stand-By join the ⟪LIVE⟫ so the requirement of "Awaken the Power" can be reached.

LL11-072 ME "#12 Sea of Light"

With this Memory card on Stage, I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL05-053 HR "Mari Ohara" joining it, together with a Member with [SMILE] , a Member with [PURE] and a Member with [COOL] joining. Will "Mari" gain +[ALL] from her Skill?
No. The [Auto] Skill of this card applies before resolving [Live Join] Skills, so the [SMILE] [PURE] [COOL] Pieces of the joining Members must already be treated as [ALL] . In this case, the requirement of "Mari"'s Skill is not met and she will not gain +[ALL] .
With this Memory card on Stage, I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with a Member who gained +[SMILE] from a [Live Join] Skill. Is that Piece treated as [ALL] , too?
Yes. The Piece will be treated as [ALL] after it is gained.

LL11-073 ME "#13 Our Own Radiance"

With this Memory card on Stage, I performed another ⟪LIVE⟫. Do I gain another Live Point?
Yes. Even after this Memory has been brought on Stage, you will gain a Live Point every time you perform another ⟪LIVE⟫.

LL11-074 SP "Chika Takami" to LL11-091 SEC "Ruby Kurosawa"

If multiple players have starting Members with [Starter] Skills, in what order should the Skills be used?
Skills are used in the turn order decided at the start of the match. Once everyone's [Starter] Skills have been resolved, the first player in the turn order can begin.