LL13 Frequently Asked Questions

LL13-037 SR "Honoka Kousaka" to LL13-045 SR "Nico Yazawa"

LL13-046 HR "Honoka Kousaka"

When I ⟪ENTER⟫ed this Member, I had no cards in my Hand. Even if can't ⟪ENTER⟫ a "µ's" Member from my Hand, can I still ⟪SCOUT⟫?
Yes. Regardless of whether you ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member or not, as long as you have no cards in your Hand, do a ⟪SCOUT⟫.

LL13-047 HR "Eli Ayase"

Does this Skill activate if performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ using a Song card which awards something like "3+1" Live Points, like LL02-075 M "Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan" / "Trouble Busters"?
Yes. It will activate if the total of both base and bonus Live Points gained is 4 or more. However, you must meet the conditions to gain the bonus Live Points.

LL13-048 HR "Kotori Minami"

What exactly does "pick up to one "µ's" Member with [RUSH], [LIVE], or a Live Costume each from them" mean?
Pick up to one "µ's" Member with [RUSH], up to one "µ's" Member with [LIVE], and up to one "µ's" Member with a Live Costume. You cannot pick more than one Member having one of these traits.
For example, if the cards your show from your Deck are EX01-001 N "Honoka Kousaka", LL13-053 HR "Hanayo Koizumi", LL13-049 HR "Umi Sonoda" and LL02-012 R "Kotori Minami", you can add either "Honoka" or "Hanayo" as the Member with [RUSH], "Umi" as the Member with [LIVE], and "Kotori" as the Member with a Live Costume to your Hand.

LL13-049 HR "Umi Sonoda"

When performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ using this Member's [LIVE], can I use the Song card that was flipped face-up by this Member's [Entry] Skill?
Yes. You can use that Song card for the ⟪LIVE⟫.

LL13-050 HR "Rin Hoshizora"

How exactly should I resolve the [Entry] Skill?
[RUSH] allows you to ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member from your Hand, but usually, only one [RUSH] can be used per turn. However, if you use this Skill, you can use more than one [RUSH] in the same turn to ⟪ENTER⟫ more Members.
For example, if you use this Member's [RUSH] to ⟪ENTER⟫ LL13-032 SR "Rin Hoshizora" from your Hand, you can use that Member's [RUSH] to ⟪ENTER⟫ another Member from your Hand. Similarly, if you ⟪ENTER⟫ this Member using another Member's [RUSH], you are allowed to use this Member's [RUSH] to ⟪ENTER⟫ another Member from your Hand.

LL13-052 HR "Nozomi Tojo"

LL13-053 HR "Hanayo Koizumi"

There are no Members with three Stars that are Live on any player's Stage. If I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Member and a Member with three Stars, can I draw two cards using this Member's [Live Success] Skill?
Yes. At the time this Member's [Live Success] Skill is resolved, the ⟪LIVE⟫ has been performed, and now there is a Member with three Stars that is Live, so the requirement is met.

LL13-054 HR "Nico Yazawa"

Can I count [ALL] as another Piece to meet the requirement of this Member's [Live Success] Skill?
No. You must have two or more [SMILE] , two or more [PURE] , and two or more [COOL] . [ALL] are not counted.

LL13-055 M "Snow halation"

What is the Attribute of this Song card?
The Attribute of this Song card is "Orange".
This Attribute is different from the Smile, Pure, Cool and Neutral Attributes. For example, when resolving LL03-060 HR "Maki Nishikino"'s Skill and counting the amount of different Attributes, this Song card's Attribute is counted as a separate Attribute from the other four. (If you have Smile, Pure, Cool, Neutral, and Orange Song cards face-up, the amount of different Attributes is five.)

LL13-056 M "Bokura wa Ima no Naka de"

If a Member who is joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ did not have [ALL] originally, but gained +[ALL] from a [Live Join] Skill, am I allowed to ⟪ENTER⟫?
No. Even if [ALL] is gained later through Skills, or another Piece must be treated as [ALL] as the result of a Skill, the requirement is failed.
If a Skill would cause this card's [Live Success] Skill to fail, because it adds an [ALL] Piece or makes you treat another Piece as [ALL] , can I choose not to use that Skill?
No. Unless the Skill says "you may", you must resolve the Skill's effects.

LL13-057 M "Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai"

If a Song card has two or more Skills, can I use both if both of their requirements are met?
Yes. In that case, you can use both Skills.

LL13-058 M "Music S.T.A.R.T!!"

LL13-059 M "Nightinggale Love Song"

LL13-062 M "Shunjou Romantic"


The Skill says "all three are on your Stage", does that mean there must be exactly three Member cards on my Stage?
No. As long as there are only cards of the three mentioned Members and at least one card of each of them, the Skill is active no matter how many cards there are on your Stage.

LL13-060 M "Super LOVE=Super LIVE!"

LL13-061 M "HEART to HEART!"

What Attribute is LL13-055 M "Snow halation" counted as?
It is counted as "Orange". See the FAQ section for "Snow halation" for details.

LL13-064 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Honoka Kousaka"

LL13-069 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Maki Nishikino"

LL13-070 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Nozomi Tojo"

In what order should this card's [Auto] Skill and the [Live Success] Skills of the Song card and Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ be resolved?
You can resolve them in any order of your choice. If there is more than one [Live Success] Skill, you can even resolve the [Auto] Skill in-between them, like [Live Success] [Auto] [Live Success] .
If the requirement of the Song card used in this ⟪LIVE⟫ was reduced by a Skill, does this Skill count the original or the reduced requirement? Additionally, if Members joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ gained Pieces from Skills, does this Skill count or ignore these additional Pieces?
If the ⟪LIVE⟫ is performed with a Song card with a reduced requirement, that changed requirement is counted. Similarly, any Pieces the joining Members gained from Skills are also counted in the total number of Pieces.

LL13-065 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Eli Ayase"

LL13-066 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Kotori Minami"

LL13-068 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Rin Hoshizora"

In what order should this card's [Auto] Skill and the [Live Join] Skills of the Song card and Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ be resolved?
You can resolve them in any order of your choice. If there is more than one [Live Join] Skill, you can even resolve the [Auto] Skill in-between them, like [Live Join] [Auto] [Live Join] .

LL13-067 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Umi Sonoda"

LL13-071 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Hanayo Koizumi"

LL13-072 ME "µ's Holiday Stories Nico Yazawa"

In what order should this card's [Auto] Skill and the [Live Success] Skills of the Song card and Member cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ be resolved?
You can resolve them in any order of your choice. If there is more than one [Live Success] Skill, you can even resolve the [Auto] Skill in-between them, like [Live Success] [Auto] [Live Success] .