LL14 Frequently Asked Questions

LL14-041 SR "Chika Takami"

LL14-042 SR "Riko Sakurauchi"

LL14-045 SR "You Watanabe"

LL14-046 SR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

LL14-047 SR "Hanamaru Kunikida"

LL14-049 SR "Ruby Kurosawa"

LL14-043 SR "Kanan Matsuura"

LL14-044 SR "Dia Kurosawa"

LL14-048 SR "Mari Ohara"

LL14-050 HR "Chika Takami"

LL14-051 HR "Riko Sakurauchi"

With exactly two face-up Song cards in my Set List, I form a Pair with LL14-050 HR "Chika Takami" and LL14-051 HR "Riko Sakurauchi", and use their [Auto] Skill to flip one face-down Song card face-up, which means there are now three face-up Song cards. Can I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Pair?
No. Only one of the two effects of the [Auto] Skill is used, depending on the amount of face-up Song cards at the time this Pair was formed.

LL14-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura"

LL14-053 HR "Dia Kurosawa"

LL14-057 HR "Mari Ohara"

Two trios of LL14-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura", LL14-053 HR "Dia Kurosawa" and LL14-057 HR "Mari Ohara" each join the same ⟪LIVE⟫. Will both of the trios give the Song card ♪Live Points +1♪?
Yes. There are two [Auto] Skills granting ♪Live Points +1♪ each, so in total, the Song card will gain ♪Live Points +2♪.
With LL14-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura" on Stand-By, but LL14-053 HR "Dia Kurosawa" not on Stand-By, I'm ⟪ENTER⟫ing LL14-057 HR "Mari Ohara" and use her "Form a Trio" [Entry] Skill. In this situation, can I still form a Group with just "Kanan" and "Mari"?
No. You can only form the Trio when both LL14-052 HR "Kanan Matsuura" and LL14-053 HR "Dia Kurosawa" are on Stand-By and they are not part of a Trio already.

LL14-054 HR "You Watanabe"

LL14-055 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

With LL14-069 ME "Guidance of Angel Yohane" not on my Stage yet, I ⟪ENTER⟫ed this Member, and brought LL14-069 ME "Guidance of Angel Yohane" to my Stage. Which Ability will this Member be able to use, [RUSH] or [LIVE]?
The Member can use [RUSH]. The Memory's [Auto] Skill is applied before the Member's Ability can be used.

LL14-058 HR "Ruby Kurosawa"

How can I activate this Member's [Live Join] Skill?
Using Skills like the [Auto] Skill of LL14-071 ME "Love Live! Finals Overtime", or the [Live Success] Skill of LL07-055 M "Kinmirai Happy End", you can perform a second ⟪LIVE⟫ in the same turn. You can have this Member participate in that second ⟪LIVE⟫.
Note that Skills that allow you to take another turn, such as LL05-063 M "MIRAI TICKET", will not activate the Skill, as the extra turn counts as a new turn. In that case, you are performing two ⟪LIVE⟫s in two separate turns, and the requirement is not met.

LL14-059 HR "Sarah Kazuno"

LL14-060 HR "Leah Kazuno"

LL14-061 M "Bokura no Hashittekita Michi wa..."

LL14-062 M "Tousou Meisou Mobius Loop"

LL14-063 M "Hop? Stop? Nonstop!"

If I have Memories on my Stage, can I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card and resolve the [Live Join] Skill without returning the Memories to my Collection?
No. If you have any Memories on your Stage, you must return them all to your Collection.

LL14-065 M "Brightest Melody"

I used the [Live Join] Skill to treat the Pieces of Members with the "Brightest Melody" Live Costume as [ALL] . After successfully performing the ⟪LIVE⟫, I used the [Auto] Skill of LL14-074 ME "Together With Everyone, Towards The Future!" to have additional Members with the "Brightest Melody" Live Costume join that ⟪LIVE⟫. Can I also treat their Pieces as [ALL] ?
No. [Live Join] Skills only affect Members who have joined the ⟪LIVE⟫ at the time the Skill is resolved, so only those Members will have their Pieces treated as [ALL] .

LL14-066 M "Kiseki Hikaru"

The Members joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ have 10 or more Stars in total. What happens to the Any Piece requirement?
It becomes 0. (Any Piece requirements cannot drop below 0.) You can perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card with as many Members joining as you want, even if they have 10 or more Stars in total.

LL14-067 M "Next SPARKLING!!"

I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card with six differently named Members joining. After successfully performing the ⟪LIVE⟫, I used the [Auto] Skill of LL14-074 ME "Together With Everyone, Towards The Future!" to have additional Members join that ⟪LIVE⟫, so there are nine differently named Members in the Live and the requirement of the [While Live] Skill is met. Will I gain ♪Live Points +1♪?
Yes. Even if the requirement of a [While Live] is only met after successfully performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with that card, it can activate.

LL14-068 ME "MISSING!!"

What exactly does "You may not ⟪ENTER⟫ Members from your Deck" mean?
You cannot ⟪ENTER⟫ any Member cards directly from your Deck, both through your turn action and Skills. (You can still ⟪ENTER⟫ Members from your Hand.)
For Skills that involve ⟪ENTER⟫ing cards from your Deck, ignore only that part. For example, when ⟪ENTER⟫ing LL05-046 HR "Chika Takami" and resolving her [Entry] Skill with no cards in your Hand and no Members on Stand-By, you are not allowed to ⟪ENTER⟫ the top card of your Deck, but you can still draw three cards.
I successfully performed a ⟪LIVE⟫, and can now resolve this card's [Auto] Skills and other card's [Live Success] Skills. In that case, can I use this card's [Auto] Skills to return this Memory and draw cards before resolving the [Live Success] Skills?
Yes. If multiple Skills become resolvable at the same time, you can resolve them in any order you want.
For example, if you successfully performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL10-080 SP "Mari Ohara" joining, and her [Live Success] Skill becomes resolvable at the same time as this Memory's [Auto] Skills, you can resolve the [Auto] Skills first to draw cards that you can then ⟪ENTER⟫ using "Mari"'s Skill.

LL14-069 ME "Guidance of Angel Yohane"

What exactly does "treat [RUSH] as [LIVE], and treat [LIVE] as [RUSH]" mean?
Members that originally had [RUSH] will be able to use [LIVE] instead, and Members that originally had [LIVE] will be able to use [RUSH] instead.
If I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ without any "Yoshiko" cards joining it, do I still have to return this Memory to my Collection?
Yes. No matter whether there are "Yoshiko" cards joining the ⟪LIVE⟫ or not, this Memory must be returned to your Collection. (If there are no "Yoshiko" cards joining, no cards will gain +[COOL] [COOL] .)
LL14-055 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima" was on the Stage, and had her [LIVE] treated as [RUSH] due to this card's [Auto] Skill, but was returned to my Hand or my Deck. After returning, does should the Ability of the "Yoshiko" card be treated as [RUSH] or [LIVE]?
Treat it as [LIVE]. This Memory's Skill only affects Members on your Stage, so cards that leave the Stage are not affected anymore.

LL14-070 ME "You's Cousin, Tsuki Watanabe"

What exactly does "replace this Memory with "Student Council President, Tsuki Watanabe" from your Collection" mean?
Return this Memory to your Collection, and bring LL14-073 ME "Student Council President, Tsuki Watanabe" from your Collection to your Stage. (You cannot return this Memory without bringing "Student Council President, Tsuki Watanabe" to your Stage, or bring "Student Council President, Tsuki Watanabe" to your Stage without returning this Memory.)
Does this Skill activate if performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ using a Song card which awards something like "3+1" Live Points, like LL05-056 M "Kimeta yo Hand in Hand"?
Yes. It will activate if the total of both base and bonus Live Points gained is 4 or more. However, you must meet the conditions to gain the bonus Live Points.
I successfully performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ using a Song card which awards something like "3+1" Live Points, like LL05-056 M "Kimeta yo Hand in Hand", but didn't meet the requirement. I then used the [Auto] Skill of LL14-074 ME "Together With Everyone, Towards The Future!" to meet the requirement of the [While Live] Skill of "Kimeta yo Hand in Hand". Can I replace this Memory with LL14-073 ME "Student Council President, Tsuki Watanabe" now?
Yes. As long as the requirement is met when this card's [Auto] Skill is resolved, you can replace it.

LL14-071 ME "Love Live! Finals Overtime"

With this Memory on my Stage, I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with a card that has a [Live Success] Skill that allows me to perform another ⟪LIVE⟫, like LL11-063 M "MY Mai☆TONIGHT". Can I perform ⟪LIVE⟫s with both this card's [Auto] Skill and the [Live Success] Skill of the other card?
Yes. You can use both the [Auto] Skill and the [Live Success] Skill to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ each, in any order you want.

LL14-072 ME "Unchanging Feelings"

With this Memory on my Stage, I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with a Song card with an Attribute Piece requirement, and LL10-060 SSR "Leah Kazuno" joining it, who gained +[COOL] from her [Live Join] Skill. Will this [COOL] also be affected by the [Auto] Skill of this Memory, and be treated as [ALL] ?
Yes. Any [COOL] that "Leah" cards joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ gain will be treated as [ALL] .

LL14-073 ME "Student Council President, Tsuki Watanabe"

LL14-074 ME "Together With Everyone, Towards The Future!"

I performed a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL14-067 M "Next SPARKLING!!" with six differently named Members joining. After successfully performing the ⟪LIVE⟫, I used the [Auto] Skill of this card to have additional Members join that ⟪LIVE⟫, so there are nine differently named Members in the Live and the requirement of the [While Live] Skill is met. Will I gain ♪Live Points +1♪?
Yes. Even if the requirement of a [While Live] is only met after successfully performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with that card, it can activate.
If the [Live Success] Skills of other cards in a ⟪LIVE⟫ use the amount of Members who joined that ⟪LIVE⟫, can I use this Memory's [Auto] Skill first to increase the amount of Members that is counted?
Yes. The Members you add to a ⟪LIVE⟫ using this [Auto] Skill count towards Skills that count Members who joined the ⟪LIVE⟫.
For example, if you perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL07-063 M "HAPPY PARTY TRAIN", and you add three more Members with the "HAPPY PARTY TRAIN" Live Costume to the ⟪LIVE⟫ using this card's [Auto] Skill before resolving the Song card's [Live Success] Skill, you can take one more additional turn.
When resolving the [Auto] Skill, can I ⟪ENTER⟫ only one or two Members?
No. If you choose to ⟪ENTER⟫ Members, you must always ⟪ENTER⟫ three Members. If you don't have three Members in your Collection that meet the requirement, you cannot ⟪ENTER⟫ Members.

LL14-075 SP "Chika Takami" to LL14-092 SEC "Ruby Kurosawa"

What does "[Starter] [Entry] " mean?
You can use this Skill both at the start of the match if you chose this Member as your starting Member, or when ⟪ENTER⟫ing this Member.