LL16 Frequently Asked Questions

LL16-046 HR "Chika Takami"

LL16-073 SEC "Chika Takami"

If I use this [Entry] Skill while the card is Idolized, can I draw cards without performing a ⟪LIVE⟫?
Yes. If you are doing both effects, you draw two cards with ①, and then ② allows you to choose whether you want to perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ or not.
I'm the first player in turn order, and at the start of the match, I used LL07-064 SP "Chika Takami"'s [Starter] Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ a "Chika" card. If I ⟪ENTER⟫ this card on my first turn, does the other card meet the "a "Chika" that was ⟪ENTER⟫ed this turn" requirement?
No. [Starter] Skills are counted as part of match preparation, before any turns are played, so once your first turn starts, there have been no Members who ⟪ENTER⟫ed that turn.

LL16-047 HR "Riko Sakurauchi"

LL16-074 SEC "Riko Sakurauchi"

Do "Riko" cards that have one Piece and Birthday Bonus Piece, like LL15-011 R "Riko Sakurauchi", meet the "a "Riko" with exactly one Piece" requirement?
The requirement is met if the Birthday Bonus is not active. If the Birthday Bonus is active, the card will have two Pieces, and the requirement is not met.

LL16-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura"

LL16-075 SEC "Kanan Matsuura"

I ⟪ENTER⟫ed LL16-066 SP "Kanan Matsuura", who has [RUSH] / [LIVE], and used [RUSH]. Does that card still meet the "a "Kanan" with [LIVE]" requirement?
Yes. Even if you used [RUSH] to ⟪ENTER⟫ another Member, the card still has a [LIVE], so the requirement is met.

LL16-049 HR "Dia Kurosawa"

LL16-076 SEC "Dia Kurosawa"

If this card joins a ⟪LIVE⟫ with LL04-057 M "Aqours☆HEROES", can I draw two cards?
No. The Song name is not part of the Skill text, so the requirement is not met.
I don't have any Song cards in my Set List that contains "Aqours" in it's Skill text, but this Member is Idolized. Can I ⟪ENTER⟫ a card from my Hand?
No. Since this part of the Skill begins with "Then", the previous requirement must also be met. Even if this Member is Idolized, if there are no Song cards in yout Set List that contain "Aqours" in their Skill text, you cannot ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member.

LL16-050 HR "You Watanabe"

LL16-077 SEC "You Watanabe"

If there are multiple Song cards in my Set List whose name matches the name of a Live Costume of one of the Members on my Stage, which one can I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with?
If there are multiple Song cards that meet the requirement, you can pick whichever one you'd like to use, and perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with it.
If there is a face-up Song card with multiple names in my Set List, for example LL02-071 M "KiRa-KiRa Sensation!" / "Happy maker!", can I perform a ⟪LIVE⟫ with it even if the Members on my Stage only have a Live Costume matching with one of those names?
Yes. If a face-up Song card has multiple names, the requirement is met if the Live Costume has the same name as either song name.

LL16-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

LL16-078 SEC "Yoshiko Tsushima"

I'm ⟪ENTER⟫ing this Member while the number of Members on Stand-By on my Stage is even. If I'm using it's [Special Practice] Skill while ⟪ENTER⟫ing this Member, how does the amount of Members change?
If you ⟪ENTER⟫ this Member and use it's [Special Practice] Skill, the number of Members on Stand-By does not change. If the amount was even before, it is still even afterwards. (Similarly, an odd amount of Members will remain odd after a [Special Practice] Skill.)

LL16-052 HR "Hanamaru Kunikida"

LL16-079 SEC "Hanamaru Kunikida"

Using this Member's [Entry] Skill, can I add a card with [RUSH] / [LIVE], like LL16-070 SP "Hanamaru Kunikida", to my Hand?
Yes. As long as the Member has [RUSH], it doesn't matter whether they also have [LIVE] or not.

LL16-053 HR "Mari Ohara"

LL16-080 SEC "Mari Ohara"

In addition to two Members with only [ALL] , one of them being this Member while Idolized, there are other Members who have Pieces other than [ALL] who are joining the same ⟪LIVE⟫. In this case, will this Member still gain +[ALL] [ALL] ?
Yes. As long as there are at least two Members with only [ALL] , the requirement is met, no matter what Pieces the other Members who are joining the ⟪LIVE⟫ have.

LL16-054 HR "Ruby Kurosawa"

LL16-081 SEC "Ruby Kurosawa"

After ⟪ENTER⟫ing this Member without Idolizing, I used the [Entry] Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ the top card of my Deck, which was LL15-036 SR "Ruby Kurosawa". Can I use that card's [Special Practice] to stack it on top of the this card before returning it to my Hand?
No. The order of actions within a Skill must be followed, so you must return this Member to your Hand before you can ⟪ENTER⟫ the top card of my Deck. So, when LL15-036 SR "Ruby Kurosawa" is ⟪ENTER⟫ed, it cannot be stacked on top of this Member, as it has already left the Stage.
Do "Ruby" cards that have one Piece and a Birthday Bonus Piece, like LL15-018 R "Ruby Kurosawa", or "Ruby" cards that have one Piece and have Idolized Pieces, like LL15-056 HR "Ruby Kurosawa", meet the "a "Ruby" with exactly one Piece" requirement?
In both cases, the requirement is met if the extra Pieces are not active. If the Birthday Bonus is active or the Member is Idolized, the card will have two Pieces, and the requirement is not met.
I'm the first player in turn order, and at the start of the match, I used LL07-072 SP "Ruby Kurosawa"'s [Starter] Skill to ⟪ENTER⟫ a "Ruby" card with exactly one Piece. If I ⟪ENTER⟫ this card on my first turn, does the other card meet the "a "Ruby" that was ⟪ENTER⟫ed this turn and with exactly one Piece" requirement?
No. [Starter] Skills are counted as part of match preparation, before any turns are played, so once your first turn starts, there have been no Members who ⟪ENTER⟫ed that turn.

LL16-055 M "Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu!"

LL16-056 M "Hajimari Road"

If I return a Member without Stars to my Hand while resolving the [Live Success] Skill, can I ⟪ENTER⟫ that Member again?
Yes. The actions are resolved in order as written in the Skill text, so the card you are returning to your Hand is available when you can choose which Members from your Hand to ⟪ENTER⟫.

LL16-057 M "Marine Border Parasol"

While resolving the [Live Success] Skill, the Song card I flipped face-up was LL12-056 M "Mijuku DREAMER". Can I draw cards using that Song card's [Auto] Skill before I continue with ⟪ENTER⟫ing a Member from my Hand?
No. You can't use another Skill until the current Skill is fully resolved.

LL16-058 M "Yosoku Fukanou Driving!"

LL16-059 M "KOKORO Magic "A to Z""

When Skills that cause you to treat other Pieces as [ALL] , like LL07-056 M "GALAXY HidE and SeeK" or LL11-072 ME "#12 Sea of Light", are active, can I still gain +[ALL] [ALL] [ALL] [ALL] from this card's [Live Join] Skill?
No. The [While Live] and [Auto] Skills of the other cards are already in effect when counting Pieces for the [Live Join] Skill.

LL16-060 M "Wake up, Challenger!!"

LL16-061 M "New Romantic Sailors"

Which Song cards are "Guilty Kiss" Song cards?

LL16-062 M "Braveheart Coaster"

Which Song cards are "CYaRon!" Song cards?

LL16-063 M "Amazing Travel DNA"

Which Song cards are "AZALEA" Song cards?

LL16-082 GR "Bokura no Hashittekita Michi wa..."

LL16-083 GR "Hop? Stop? Nonstop!"

LL16-084 GR "Brightest Melody"

LL16-085 GR "Next SPARKLING!!"

What Attribute does this Song card count as?
Treat these cards' Attributes as the same as the corresponding M Rarity card with the same ID.