LL17 Frequently Asked Questions

LL17-046 HR "Chika Takami"

LL17-076 SEC "Chika Takami"

When I ⟪ENTER⟫ed this Member and ⟪SCOUT⟫ed, I already had four or more cards in my Hand. Even if I don't draw any cards, can I ⟪ENTER⟫ the top card of my Deck?
Yes. Since the number of cards you drew from the ⟪ENTER⟫ was two or less, you can ⟪ENTER⟫ the top card of your Deck.

LL17-047 HR "Riko Sakurauchi"

LL17-077 SEC "Riko Sakurauchi"

After bringing a face-down Song card to my Collection, am I allowed to look at it to check which Song card it is?
Yes. You are allowed to check the cards in your Collection at any time, and you don't have to show it to the other players.
If I bring a face-up Song card to my Collection, I will have zero face-up Song cards in my Set List. Can I still perform ⟪LIVE⟫s like that?
No. If there are no face-up Song cards in your Set List, you cannot perform ⟪LIVE⟫s. You are not allowed to flip a face-down Song card face-up if you choose a face-up Song card to bring to your Collection. As such, unless you have a Skill that allows you to turn a face-down Song card face-up again, you should avoid removing your last Song card from your Set List.

LL17-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura"

LL17-078 SEC "Kanan Matsuura"

How can I use this Member's [Live Join] Skill?
You can use this Member's [RUSH] to ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member with [LIVE], or a Member with a Skill that allows you perform a ⟪LIVE⟫, like EX14-030 HR "Kanan Matsuura". If you have this Member join that ⟪LIVE⟫, you can activate the [Live Join] Skill.

LL17-049 HR "Dia Kurosawa"

LL17-079 SEC "Dia Kurosawa"

LL17-050 HR "You Watanabe"

LL17-080 SEC "You Watanabe"

How exactly should I resolve the [Entry] Skill?
If you return one other Member on Stand-By on your Stage to the bottom of your Deck, you may ⟪ENTER⟫ a Member, either from your Hand or from the top of your Deck. If that Member you ⟪ENTER⟫ed this way has a Live Costume, draw two cards.

LL17-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima"

LL17-081 SEC "Yoshiko Tsushima"

Does a card with one Piece and a Birthday Bonus Piece, like LL15-015 R "Yoshiko Tsushima", meet the "exactly one Piece" requirement?
The requirement is met if the Birthday Bonus is not active. If the Birthday Bonus is active, the card will have two Pieces, and the requirement is not met.
Does a card with one Piece and Idolized Pieces, like LL16-051 HR "Yoshiko Tsushima", meet the "exactly one Piece" requirement?
Yes. Members cannot be Idolized while they are in your Hand, so the Idolized Pieces are not active and the requirement is met.

LL17-052 HR "Hanamaru Kunikida"

LL17-082 SEC "Hanamaru Kunikida"

LL17-053 HR "Mari Ohara"

LL17-083 SEC "Mari Ohara"

LL17-054 HR "Ruby Kurosawa"

LL17-084 SEC "Ruby Kurosawa"

What does "[Entry] [Live Success] " mean?
You can use this Skill both when ⟪ENTER⟫ing this Member, and when this Member has joined a successful ⟪LIVE⟫.

LL17-055 M "Fantastic Departure!"

LL17-085 GR "Fantastic Departure!" to LL17-087 GR "Fantastic Departure!"

A Member with [RUSH] / [LIVE], like LL16-064 SP "Chika Takami", is joining a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card. I chose to use [RUSH] when ⟪ENTER⟫ing that Member, but can it still meet both the "Member with [RUSH]" and the "Member with [LIVE]" requirements?
Yes. If a Member has both [RUSH] and [LIVE], the requirements of both Skills are met, and the Any Piece requirement will be reduced by 4 in total. It doesn't matter whether you chose to use [RUSH] or [LIVE] when ⟪ENTER⟫ing that Member.

LL17-057 M "Dazzling White Town"

What does "you may ⟪ENTER⟫ one Member without Stars for each member of "Saint Snow"" mean?
You may ⟪ENTER⟫ up to one "Sarah" and up to one "Leah". That means you can ⟪ENTER⟫ both, or just one, either "Sarah" or "Leah".

LL17-058 M "JIMO-AI Dash!"

LL17-059 M "Future flight"

Before using this card's Skill, I flipped a Song card face-down using a Skill like LL12-048 HR "Kanan Matsuura"'s [Entry] Skill, and separated it from the other face-down Song cards to remember that I know what that card is. Do I have to shuffle that card with the other face-down Song cards when resolving this card's Skill?
Yes. You must shuffle all face-down Song cards, including those that were flipped face-down by other Skills.

LL17-060 M "Kimochi mo Yume mo Issho da ne!"

Can the requirement met if Members other than "Hanamaru" and "Ruby" join the ⟪LIVE⟫? Similarly, if other "Hanamaru" or "Ruby" cards that don't have the same amount of Stars join the ⟪LIVE⟫ together with the ones that do, is the requirement met?
Yes. In both cases, the requirement can be met. As long as there is a "Hanamaru" card and a "Ruby" card who have the same amount of Stars joining, the Any Piece requirement is reduced by 3, regardless of what other Members join.

LL17-061 M "Namida ga Yuki ni Naru Mae ni"

Can the requirement be met if Members other than the ones mentioned in the Skill join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
Yes. As long as there is a "Kanan" card with [COOL] and a "Mari" card with [COOL] joining, the Any Piece requirement is reduced by 3, regardless of what other Members join.

LL17-062 M "Misty Frosty Love"

How exactly should this Skill be resolved?
If the "Riko" card and the "You" card joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ do not share any Pieces, the requirement is met.
For example, if the "Riko" card has [SMILE] [COOL] and the "You" card has [PURE] [ALL] , the requirement is met.
However, if the "Riko" card has [COOL] [ALL] and the "You" card has [PURE] [ALL] , the requirement is not met, as they share [ALL] . You cannot use [ALL] as a wildcard for another Attribute.
What if the "Riko" card or the "You" card joining this ⟪LIVE⟫ have Birthday Bonus Pieces or [Idolized] Pieces Pieces?
In both cases, you must include the extra Pieces in the requirement check if they are active. Otherwise, you can ignore them.

LL17-063 M "Party! Party! PaPaPaParty!"

While resolving the [Live Success] Skill, the Song card I flipped face-up was LL12-056 M "Mijuku DREAMER". Can I draw cards using that Song card's [Auto] Skill before I continue with ⟪ENTER⟫ing a Member from my Hand?
No. You can't use another Skill until the current Skill is fully resolved.

LL17-064 M "smile smile ship Start!"

LL17-065 M "Kokoro no Hane yo Kimi e Tondeke!"

Can the requirement be met if Members other than the ones mentioned in the Skill join the ⟪LIVE⟫?
Yes. As long as there are at least two "Aqours" cards joining, the Any Piece requirement is reduced by 2, even if other Members are part "µ's" or "Saint Snow".


I am performing a ⟪LIVE⟫ with this Song card, and the Members joining it have [SMILE] x 6 and [ALL] x 1 in total. Does the Any Piece requirement get reduced by 5?
No. The Skill of this Song card requires the Members joining the ⟪LIVE⟫ to only have Pieces of one Attribute, [SMILE] [PURE] [COOL] or [ALL] . You cannot use [ALL] as a wildcard for another Attribute.

LL17-067 SP "Chika Takami" to LL17-075 SP "Ruby Kurosawa"

What does "[Starter] [Entry] " mean?
You can use this Skill both at the start of the match if you chose this Member as your starting Member, or when ⟪ENTER⟫ing this Member.